Frequently Ask Questions

Buyer Inquires

Please explore the FAQ or frequently asked questions listed on this page. My clients live across the United States and abroad. Due to the individual nature of displaying artwork, some clients prefer for me to frame or mat works. All artwork is sold unmatted and unframed, unless indicated on the image. Shipping is available upon request with insurance. The method of shipping is at the artists discretion. Local pick-up for Santa Fe, NM is available upon arrangement.

FAQ: Is shipping an artwork possible?

Shipping an artwork domestically across the United States or abroad is available upon request. Insurance is provided as part of the shipping estimate.

faq: Can I get an artwork framed?

Unless noted on the listed artwork, all artwork is unframed. This is to allow the new owner to frame according to their aesthetics and final display location. If requested, items can be framed by the artist for an additional cost.


Unless noted on the listed artwork, all artwork is sold unmatted. This is to allow the new owner to frame according to their aesthetics and final display location. If requested, items can be matting by the artist for an additional cost.